Monday, April 10, 2017

25.3 Miles

 Well I was going to take a break and saw how nice the weather was and really could not help my self.  And if you wondering yes I have makeup on.    Riding in style.  In reality was like why take time to take it off, because I came home and just jumped on the bike.   Yes tomorrow (IS) a break day.  I promise.      And if your wondering  my tush is a bit sore, but other wise yes I can walk.
 Look at this weather.  Only if I could stay like this.
When home and met up with the cookie monster and headed back out for the second helping of cycling.  :)

 My lovely hubby. 

 A little slower.   Ha

This is really wrong.    I got my bike on the 12/9/16  and so far sense then I have rode it 901.5  miles.    I got the speedometer a while later.  And a couple of times I forgot to put it on.   

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