Saturday, May 20, 2017

100 MILES Wild Cat La Bidwell park.

 Yaaaa my second time doing 100 miles.    And it was so hot.  This was a hard ride.  And no I did not do it all at once.  I took breaks to let my self recover.  I'm not into killing my self.  I can not ride 100 all at once.   And I drank so much water, that was all I was focused on was water.  By the time I got up to horse shoe lake the water was hot, so getting to one mile was a treat to have cold water.  Yeah their is other fountains, but the water was very warm. Yuck.    

Omg it was so crowed up at Horse Shoe lake, they must have dumps the fish in and it was 
slammed with people and kids fishing.   The traffic was horrific.  But I managed my way around.  
I tried a new route, the road that parallels the park and found it quite smooth and nice to ride.   But in the park their was more shade and it was cooler, so I only took that road to 1 mile twice.

It really weird seeing upper park and lower park be slammed with people to going completely dead and no people.   Although 1 mile stayed very busy. 
Their was this on guy sitting on a chair playing a violin and every time I went by he gave me the strangest look.  LOL   I past him about 9 times.
You could say I was going in circles. 

Did I get sun burned?  Yes.

I beat my time by 1 minute.  LOL   Last time for doing 100 miles was 7:16.    
Average speed last time was 14.0  Now it's 14.1.        
The two guys on bike were riding behind me and they wanted to know if my bike was motorized.    No.    

The truth.  I have micro hamster's in mini wheels  installed through out the bike.   Super light and undetectable.  Makes me super fast.    

Am I tried..........Hell yes.   

The good & the bad.
My tookiss didn't hurt as bad this time.
At  92 miles my legs started to rebel. 
Didn't have to use hot water to get my legs to stop feeling the burn.

To me it's all about focus.  The whole previous day I was siking my self up, even before I fell asleep.    So by the time I work up I was like
My goal is to do 100 miles every day.  Hell no!    Once a month.  That sound better.   I can do that.   

Taking it easy tomorrow.    

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