Saturday, May 6, 2017

21.8 miles

 Beautiful day today.   Stopped and had to check out all the beautiful wild flowers.     I was contemplating a ride and well my body was not telling me no no no, instead I was feeling go go go. ;)   So I went.   But I took it easy the majority of the way.    
Well I guess my cadence decided to unexpectedly turn on.   Ok?
Tomorrow is a break day.

Well I've been thinking and I really think it would be awesome to do a ride Across American.  ( Just thinking about it.)   That would be a total endurance ride and it would be a total adventure.   But I would want to plan for it and not jump into it cold turkey.    That is not how I roll.     But the next best thing would be doing a Grand Fondue.... ha ha no a Grand Fondo.   Getting my self condition to doing 100 miles  
 is my next goal.    I can do 50 miles now with out having to soak my legs at all.   Even yesterday, my legs were fine.   I remember the first time I went 70 miles I was like tub NOW!, hot water NOW!    But here is the challenge, doing 60 miles back to back every day.

The first time I did 71.3 miles was on my old beloved Diamond Back that was a lot heavier. 
The old stats are:
22.5 max speed.
12.6 Average speed.
5:36 Time  

So here is the new stats are:
71.2 miles
25.2 max speed.
14.5 average speed.
5:00 Time

So I knocked off a half our cool beans. 

 Everyday I get stronger and better.  :)    
But I'm stuck at 255.  :(   Oh well.  

Hmm   This had to be when I was doing the Critters. 

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