Wednesday, May 24, 2017

50 miles and the Fun 50.

Well I figured something out. No matter how tight I make the magnet, it moves during the ride. :(   So no speedometer pictures this time. So I'll post the progression of  Bike Dr Mikes Poster.   Working on lettering and spacing.  Then next is adding more detail to the first sketch.  
No I didn't fall off the bike. LOL But before the ride I caught my foot on the corner of the autaman  and did a hard fall on both my knees.  Ow~~~     It was a warm up fall.  ;)
So 17 miles then 23 miles on the ride it's self then an additional ride 10 miles to upper park and home.   
Wow so many people were are the fun 50.   I counted 12 ahead and guessed about 15 behind , so about 27 people.  Talk about feeling the pull.   I have to say it was a hard ride, but it was a good ride.  This time everyone was very aware of surrounding riders, that was good. 
Pulling a few riders behind you is ok, pulling 27ish riders behind you holy crap, now that a work out.   About  5 miles to the end, one of the cyclist was falling back, so me and two other riders fell back to help him along.      No matter how slow you go, if your still moving  toward your goal, your a winner in my book.      


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