Thursday, May 18, 2017


Well having been to physical therapy for my legs and all that jazz.  What did I learn from that.  Good back posture and the right way to sit.   Good posture is akin to good cycling once you get into the grove you body know exactly what it needs to do.   I can not help but sitting with my knees out and my back straight, it's habit now.   And here's the interesting side note for my self.  My legs really dig, and when I cycle I find my self preforming better.    Good posture off the bike  = good ride.   

Another thing I can't live with out and it may look a little odd when I do it.  I can't not help, but stretch on the bike.   Like standing up, squatting, leg stretches, and rotating my ankles.    In a pace line I'll only stand up, no no no and no leg stretches.   Have no desire to take out riders.   I've been riding for 3 years and stretching on the bike is were it is at for me.   And I have had no cramps or pulled muscles.    Numb fingers on my left arm, but that from holding the handles to tight.   My toes use to get numb, but I swapped the peddles out for bigger peddles and that solved that problem.      

As for the clips.  Na  I like my paint splattered window painting shoes.  Designer. ;)    And I like to move my feet around.    The more I think about clips the more I like being right were I am.   Speaking of peddles though, mine are starting to fall apart.   Not bad, I looked down and their plastic piece hanging off, kind of comical, but not that noticeable.     

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