Friday, May 26, 2017

13 miles May 25

Easy yesterday with hubby and I did just one hard up hill sprint.    Managed to maintain 10mph up the short hill,  now that got me out of breath.   Going to start hill training again I really miss it and it really helps improve my speed and endurance.   Just going to take the chance.   Beside I like going up hill. 

Painted in Paradise today.  :)

I probably won't do a ride today 5 hours of going up and down a latter in the heat is enough.    

 Feeling really happy with May.   I will be betting my monthly distance record for April which was 474.1 miles.    As of right now I have gone 487.1 miles and there is still 5 days left, to do some more riding.  And who know I might change my mind and still do a bike ride today.  ?


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