Saturday, May 13, 2017

28.2 Miles Second day of bleh.

 Why hello there.   Stop to fix my speedometer and this big lizard was looking at us.   Beautiful.  But I think he might have eaten a huge meal, the guy did not want to move at all.   Yeah they bite and have sharp teeth so no touchy.  I scooted him off the bike path with a piece of bark.  

To day was so so,  did only 28.2 miles and I guess was still not feeling to hot.   Usually after the 6 mile is when I start to feel real good.  But no not happening.   Oh well.

I thought it may be the 162 mg of baby aspirin I'm taking for the non-Deep Vein Blood clot. But no that's not it.  So it might just me.    What ever it is it will pass. 

 My cookie monster crossing Buckle Berry Ferry.   
 Lot's of people enjoying the park.

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