Tuesday, May 30, 2017

14 miles

Did a whopping 14 miles today.  Well 14 mile is better than no miles.   And yes I broke a spoke.  Uhhhggggg.  :(    
Hill climbing is a love hate relationship.  I love climbing, I hate breaking my spokes.   :(     Got the hubby lecture of stop doing the hill climbing again.  :/    He was right then and he's right now.     Sigh.......  oh well. 

   The weather was so nice today, humid, but nice.     It's amazing how attuned to by bike I have become.   I can hear small rocks bounce off the spokes, and when I ride along or in between a small bridge I can also hear what going on.   I have absurdly sensitive hearing.    But that a good thing, I knew right away, what had happened, so that keeps me from damaging the bike anymore.     So far I've been lucky I have not broke a spoke during the Fun 5O ride.   But I broke on the way one to it.     

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