Monday, May 15, 2017


I don't know what going on, I'm not sick.  But I have a headache, and my legs are dead to the world.  Their not making a peep, nothing nada.   Some times I can jump on the bike and I feel better afterwards, but this is not one of those times, because if my legs are not talking to me, their is something more to this.  I just got to ride it out  ..... ha no pun intended.   I really want to do a long ride again, but with my head on.    Hey look it's the park, WOW! never rode their before. Really going to have to check it out.  Yeah I'm being sarcastic.    Those last to little hills become my worst night mare after 75 miles.   But I did it before I can do it again.   

As for Stravvvvvaaaaaa!    
Well I've had several people say I need it.   Do I need it?   I don't think so. I'm old school.  Yes I have a phone.  Do I have it connected to the Web?  No.    How do I live?   Like I always have.   I have a speedometer and that enough technology for me.   
I see so many people looking down at their phone in the park when there running or cycling or what not.   If your distracting your self from the ride at hand your not concentrating on being in the moment of the ride and pushing your self.    Hell I've seen bikes with phone on them.
Now don't get me wrong.   GPS & to call for help is not what I'm having a problem with.  Those features will help you get out of trouble. 
But texting while your riding and stopping every 5 minutes to check your status and what not.  All that adds up to getting less of a ride in.     When I go around in circles thought the park, I will see joggers just walking with their faces glued to the screens.   If their jogging they must be jogging 5 minutes at a time.  Then I'll the see the serious running and hell there moving like the wind, no phone in hand and they all have that same face, determination nothing stopping them not even a ring from their phone.    I've only seen very few people running and running fast, it is really a sight to behold.  I saw this guy one time and I swear he made it look so easy he was running so easy it look like he was just floating by.    The majority of people will say oh I'm a runner, but in reality there jogging.   Ha  

Another break day.  :(        

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