Wednesday, August 9, 2017


 Not ever second bike ride can be the greatest, but you can make the best of it.  
I got back from Centerville and went on a second ride with hubby and yes I went Feral, I was going to do another 60 miles and go for the gold of riding 100 miles today. I was all pumped up and raring to do it.    Raaahhhhh! The weather was hot, but it was overcast and really cool in the park.  That is why I went for it.  If the flat had not happened I'd probably be posting 100 miles.   But I'm not too worried about not being able to do it.  Another day another ride.  Well all was going fine until I got to Horse shoe lake and Phtttttttttt.....flat.   Oh (#@3!?).   Oh well.  

So I ended my bike ride with a nice 3.7 mile walk home.    The speedometer says 69 miles, but some of that is walking so if I'm not riding the bike I'm not counting it.   Did I mention I'm tired. Really tired. 

Lot's of critters to be seen on the walk home.   A very beautiful big lizard with a black ring neck and blue.  A young buck, ground squirrels surfing along the grass, quail and about 5 vultures dining on a very smelly dead racoon. 

On the walk down El Monte a UPS driver was driving so fast I was wishing he would tip over. 
He drove way too close and fast to me and I was way off the road.   So yeah if he had tipped over I would have not mind one bit.   

As soon as I got home I had some of my Zucchini frozen yogurt and I'm so glad I made it. It was so refreshing and tasted so good.  That really hit the spot. 

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