Wednesday, August 9, 2017


 Great ride with WOW! Yeah I'm in the middle and were's my bike?  It's on the side fence.

  Oh and the lady all the way to the left watch out for her she is cannibalistic. On the ride she was sizing up the other riders and calling them carrots.  ๐Ÿ˜   So she might be a bunny disguised as a human.  

Oh man am I feeling it in my legs, but it was a good ride with good people.   Had two dogs chase me, but nope there no way they could keep up.    On the way back now came around a corner and eeee gaaaa a semi truck was taking up both side of the road on a turn.  I think he stopped to let us go through.  That was kind of unnerving.

One of our ladies had a flat, but that was quickly taken care of. 

I decided to do a Sprint on El Monte Ave which is exactly 0.5 miles long.   Got up to 25 mph and my hunger meter turn on at the end.  OMG!    No one caught me.  Snicker, Snicker. 

About 4 of us stopped by Bellacino's Cafe for yummy's   That was nice.   
THANK YOU!!๐Ÿ˜„  Kathryn  Hass for the coffee.  ๐Ÿ’“   It was delicious.    

Tomorrow is a rest day.  Then Friday it's back to Centerville with another group ride.  

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