Wednesday, August 2, 2017


 I was suppose to meet up with WOW. Women on wheels.
I saw on the message board that we would be rolling out a 8:01.   And just looking at it right now is says 7:01.   Well dang.  So I was a hour late.   Better luck next time.

Other wise I still had a good ride through the park and managed to get a 40 miles ride in.   Today was not my best day for riding, but I pushed my self to get a good ride in.   Because it's fricken hot here 108 degrees.  And the sucky part isn't not cooling off after 6, 7 or 8 tonight.  Bleh.

I love riding next to water it's always 3 to 4 degrees cooler, once I get away from water the temperature goes up 4 degrees.  
As I was riding home the temperature gauge was creeping up from 96, 97 and then finally 99 and 100.  Bleh.     

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