Wednesday, August 30, 2017

40 Miles to Cohasset & Rest time.

 Great morning for a ride with WOW to Cohasset.   And yes you could say I suffered. 
Road up the hill with 6 great ladies.  
Pain? Oh yes lot's of pain.  Not so much my legs, but rather other areas, even with my new Jersey, so Chris E my Cycling Guru told me I need to take a week off the bike.  Totally going to do it, because I'm so sore.
 This month I road a total of 450.3 miles and I averaged 112.5 miles a week.   

Look were I made it.  Ya!  I rode past the narrow and got to the little store.
One of the ladies warned me about a really steep area, so on the way up I was psyching my self out for going up a really steep hill.  I kept thinking were is this hill???  Got to the store and she was like oh it's past the store.   LOL.
 And of all things I got stuck behind a garbage truck on the way to the store.  Bleh.... talk about a stinky ride.   


 This is me after the ride and yes I had coffee & a muffin all by my self.  And it was so good.   What are the read streaks on my forehead, the padding from the helmet, if your wondering.     
 Look down and was like oh.   After the flat flower 60, I had a gash.   This was a small bruise, covered with grease.  

 DANG!  Yeah my fastest speed down hill ever.   

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