Sunday, January 28, 2018


Did I want to ride.    No.  
Did I feel like crap.   Yes.
Did I feel good on the ride. No.
This was about the worst ride of 2018.
Why did I subject my self to torturer? 
Well the Paskenta ride is in seven days, and I haven't really been pushing my self.  What a better day to push my self when I feel like road kill.  Yes I felt crappy, not sick crappy, but like want to lay in bed all day to shut the world out crappy.   So I pushed my self into a 40 mile ride to see if I could do it.  Heck if I get out on a ride some time and I have a moment I still got to ride home.  So this was funk training.   It was a amazing beautiful day never the less.   And omg there was so many people out and about the parking space at Horse shoe lake was so packed that cars could barely turn around, there was no parking.  And the cars were still coming.    Lot's of cyclist every were, mountain bikes, road bikes, toddlers on bikes.   The first 20 miles I did was reps back and forth from Wild wood park to Horse Shoe lake.  Then from there to one mile and back up to horse shoe lake.   The upper of my body was Bleh, the lower half was normal.    I made my self do several sprints and got up to 26 miles an hour.   So you could say this was the 2018 Crappy Flop RIDE.
I swear today all day I was seeing cyclist all over the place.  On the way to work I road up right behind Becky's group and waved hi.  It's funny how when you don't ride you spot ever fricken single cyclist and there all pointing your way and laughing.  So yeah seeing so many people out made me feel like a flop.

There were these two guys in hunting gear on e-bikes.  They must have been doing 25 mph and not peddling. Seriously!  Peddle, put some effort into it.   Oh god that reminds me in Fort Bragg just after I put my camera away about 15 people came across the bridge riding segways.   I was speechless. 

I call this guy the Red Hornet, because he was wearing all red.  He looked like a professional. But he had a death glare that could kill a squirrel at a 100 yards.   NOT WAVE FRIENDLY SHIT! 

I have a bike light, that I thought was dead, turn out the wire was not in the right area so I fix it and there is now nothing wrong with it.  So I attached to the back of my helmet, it really super bright.   I rode into evening.   On the way home there is a blind corner that I'm always really cautions about.  Well tonight I almost got run over by about 7 teenagers on bikes and skateboards.  Holy shit they came around the corner so dam fast I surprised that we didn't hit. One of the skate borders, it took every thing he had not to hit me.  I was stopped.   I was yelling at them slow down cyclist.   They had no lights or helmets and they were all yelling at me, I'm the one who actually stopped.  

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