Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Yes I'm a annoyed! I was suppose to join the WOW group for a ride today. So here is why I didn't. :(   Last night around 4 I woke up and the back of my left leg was feeling tight and it was hard to walk on.  I was like oh it will be gone by morning....nope!   I think I have a superficial blood clot.  Because it's tightening and affecting my gait. Yeah I can walk, but I'm leaning to one side with a limp.  
Riding like this is impossible when it's so close to the knee it's self.   So yeah every thing was all ready, my bike, new bike bag for the back with more room for more things.   
So    uggghhhhhh!!!!

I'm going to try again for Friday!  

On a funny note.  
WOW to all my friend has another meaning.   WOW to them means World of War Craft which is a video game.   So I had a good laugh when everyone was like you join World of War Craft.   LOL  

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