Sunday, September 16, 2018


 Got to check off a ride off my bucket list today.   Mind you my bucket list is very very small, just coffee and riding.

What a wonderful and beautiful ride today.   Headed out with the great ladies of the WOW and rode about Table Top mountain.
 Getting ready to head out.
 Here we are now we have to take the bike off the rack.

Becky is our group leader.

 Off we go.

 Headed over Oroville Dam flume.

 Riding along the Lake Oroville.

  Too bad I didn't have a zoom feature with this camera. But it was so cute, the tree in the middle is next to a pond and it was full of ducks and egrets, grey and white.  It was hopping with activity.  
 Up and up we go.

Well I never know whom I'm going to meet on a ride.  LOL   A lady past me and was like Oh!  I know you, you're famous.  Me LOL!   I am?
Then she proceeded to say your my Hero!   Awww ha ha. 

Then on the way down to the gas station were we started a blue car did friendly honk, honk and some one waved.   I was like HUH?  
 And I made it to the top. 
 Taking a break from all the climbing.
 Why hello!
  I didn't win the vote, so we did not go to Brave Coffee.  :(  
So it was Beatniks. 

 We were smoking going down hill.  

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