Friday, September 28, 2018


 Well here I am, was not feeling the love, but like I said here I am.  Holy molly it was a large group ride, 28 people.  We had some new people and a couple on a tandem bike, how cool is that.

 Everybody was talking up a storm.  Chat fest on bikes!

                                                                               Some of the women of WOW!

Off we go.

  Stopping at our first break area.
I don't have to eat any thing until I reach about 55 miles, then I get hungry.    Water is good for me. 

 Were did we have our coffee.  At Brave Coffee.  Our leader was very Brave for trying a new coffee.   I my self am in love with it.
You could say there was a lot of bikes taking up space. 
 The Friday group ride took over Brave Coffee.  
 While I was taking pictuers a little bee was flying around, then I took a closer look and realized oh it's not a bee at all, it's a type of fly that mimics a bee.  The way it was flying around was all wrong.   
No I'm not sucking it up with a vacuum cleaner. The tube looking thing is a bike handle. 

 Awww crap I for got to take a picture of my average speed when I stopped for coffee.  It was above 16.  
 Did I go home. No!  I kept riding.

 Taking a break.
 A lot of haze on the horizon still.
 Home, but not finished.

 Not done, when on a 10 mile ride with hubby.  My partner in crime. 
 Hubby is so happy to have a new bike and start getting back into shape.

 Taking a break
 Before the wind.


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