Wednesday, September 19, 2018


 I'm alive.  The ride was fine until I got to the entrance of Horse Shoe pond. 
 OMG!  I was having a coughing fit so bad I gave my self a headach, I could not stop.   I just hung out here until it lessen. Yikes.

I was at 32 miles here and was like dang I want to get to 40.  So I took it easy, by the time I got close to home I was feeling like I could breath easier.  So I headed up to the entrance of Honey run.
 Water stop
This tree was producing Hemp.  No....LOL
Lot's of seed!  Like strings of beads.  
 Lot's of seeds.

 Well what do you know got up here and as I'm looking back toward were I came from, I could see a grey haze coming across the valley.  That explains me having the hack fest.  
 It's the whitish haze at the bottom. 

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