Thursday, September 20, 2018


Round and round I go.   Good day for a bike ride. 

Well now WTF?  I could not figure this out and I really don't know what is exactly going on.  This was a massive pile of ants writhing, off to the right was a pile of dead ants and off to the right was another smaller pile of writhing ants.   They all look to be the same species.
I look into what could be causing this, and the only thing I could find was a rise in temperature and diminishing food supply could disrupt the nest causing panic and death.  Maybe? Maybe not I'm going to see if I can find a more in depth explanation, I have video of this and it looks creepy.  But video never will up load on this site.

Now for something more normal.
I like walking around this art sculpture and being able to say 30 miles yup
45 miles yup
50 miles yup
65 miles yup
100 miles yup.  LOL 

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