Monday, September 4, 2017

12.3 Miles

What can I say 4 days is too long to be off the bike.  My legs were wigging out really bad today.  And when hubby said bike ride, my legs forced me on the bike and forced me to peddle.
Wow for the first time my hubby and I have matching Jerseys at the same time.  So I don't have to borrow his jersey any more.   And this is the first time in my life I've worn shorts, that short. I don't particularly like my legs exposed.
And WOW I didn't realize how dirty they could get.  On the way back from Cohasset I looked down and I swear I could have taken a core sample of dirt.  My other exercise shorts kept my legs clean all the time.

Another thing I ordered is compression socks, bright pink compression socks.  So I'm going to be a rolling fashion statement in my jersey with compression socks.   Why compression socks?  I'm prone to blood clot's & I have vericose veins, so I need to wear them if I'm going to be doing all this climbing and riding.    I don't want them to get worse.

Just did 12.3 miles. But man was the air really congested.  I kept getting black specks in my eyes and going to one mile I was hacking and coughing, the back of my throat started to burn.   
After the ride my legs are like WTF only 12.3 miles what is fricken wrong with you. 


 This was a Sprint. 

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