Friday, September 22, 2017


Well today I was suppose to ride with the group to Forest Ranch market. Not happening.   My left thigh was burning and stinging yesterday really bad, so I took a easy ride to try to lessen the stinging pain, it worked.   Well today even sitting blogging I'm finding my self in a lot of pain on that side, it's back and it's really uncomfortable.  My other leg is fine, no pain and coupled with the fact I didn't sleep very well last night, yeah no ride to Forest Ranch.  It seem that the hotter weather lessened pain in the leg.  Because as soon as it cooled down my thigh was like Hey I'm back.   I had my major deep vein thrombosis in 2012, and come to think of it, this is the worst pain I ever had.   In general I feel fine, a little sore all over, because of 418.6 miles of riding.  So time to chill.  Even though I really wanted to ride with the group.  But with this leg pain I would have been (NVT) nuts. ;)

If I take a three day break I should be ok for the ride on the 25th.   So time to chill while my leg burns. 

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