Wednesday, September 13, 2017


 Nothing like stuffing your face full of oat meal in the morning.  Ugghhh.   I have nothing against it, it's just eating a 1 cup early in the morning is a ordeal.   So on the ride to the park I feel bloated.  But I need to do it for the energy.

Riding over gaffiti flat's is a hoot and it looks like it's expanding.  

Oh man today was a hard ride.  My thighs were burning and my butt was sore and I was going so slow.   Burn baby burn, but I made it.
And yes I did suffer toward the end of the ride. 

Ended our ride at Has Beans for yummy coffee & a blue berry muffin.  No mold.   

Ahhh don't leave me!  I wanted to get a picture of every body closer, but they were rolling away.   

Taking a break tomorrow, then joining the Friday group ride and next Monday the 25th I'll be going to Redding Sacramento River Trail with WOW.  Exciting.

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