Tuesday, September 26, 2017

34.2 WOW to Paradise up Neal Rd.

Well my speedometer batteries just went kaput.  Some times I can switch them around and they work, nope.   So I had to track my ride today on google maps.   Road up to Neil the back way to Paradise.  Nice steady climb not too steep.   Yesterday after the ride I was like no hill climbing then I the ride out I learned where we were going.  So I just went with the flow.   So just 5 more mile to go and I'll be at 500 miles.   Other wise I feel fine.   I have four more days of riding so let see what happens. 
Up date on Billie.  WOW what a lady she ended up riding 8 miles with a broken wrist and other injures.  She one tough chick.    Currently she on the road to recovery and can't wait to ride with her again.  

Over and out. ;)

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