Friday, September 8, 2017


 Was all ready to go to up Cohasset, got out to 1 mile and snap.  It is what it is.  So ran by Sport LTD and got it fix.  I was kind of bummed because I really wanted to do the climb. 

Waited till it cooled down then I took a ride with hubby.  He did 14 miles and I did 33.6 mile.
To make up a little bit for the missed climb I climbed the Mini hill of Doom, yeah the one out at horse shoe lake.   I climbed it 10 times and the first two times I gunned it hard till I was out of breath.  Then I did the climb slow and steady.  Not the same, but it was better than nothing.  

A guy came walking up and he had a huge smile on his face and he said wow good job. That felt good.
Then there was two women who's eye were bugging out.  She said "You go girl"  but her delivery was very unsure, like wait she's not skinny, she should not be doing that.     LOL

Yeah 12.5 like I said easy ride.

One thing I totally forgot to point out on my 100 mile ride is that.  YES the cycling short work.    

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