Wednesday, November 27, 2019


 Shit I was going to try to take a break from the body slam of a ride I did yesterday.  We got home and hubby was like I'm going to do a bike ride.  I seriously could not help my self.  I was suited up and ready to roll.  
It was seriously amazing day today the clouds were amazing.  It was windy, but it felt like nothing.   Anything under 50 mph wind gust feel like nothing.  

If your wondering yes I'm sore, but the beautiful clouds make worth it.
 Beautiful start to our ride.

 My partner in crime.

Well I almost fell off the bike (AGAIN) at a slow pace.  Saying good by to hubby as he went a different way.  I took a few more photos then on my way off the bridge a couple with a dog was walking toward me. I gave them room and caught my tire on the lip.  OMG!  Through my super human ability of coffee drinking and sarcastic prowess I stayed up right.  I came so close it's not funny.   The guy walking the dog actually ran toward me and was going to try to steady my fall.   Luckily I did not fall.

 No this is not bird dookey on the leaves.  There is white leaves all over the place.
 The wild pineapple.  LOL No.  But it sure looks like it.
 Beautiful paper flower.
 In a huge field of dead things. Little sweet peas.  So tiny. 
 Clouds make every thing better.
 And goat make thing grow! 
 Goats are magical.

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