Friday, November 22, 2019


I thought it be fun to go back and look through the pictures I have taken through the years.

 OMG I was kneeling behind a car and David came so close to me that it was kind of unnerving.   He was ready for me!

Where the races sign there belonging over to me.  I've gotten, money, cars, bikes.  It's a awesome.
no just kidding.
Um yeah. I really don't think he washed his number enough.

Grub & Chug.
Translation: Hot dog's and beer.
The cooks.

Before the I did the Crits.
71 miles after.

This is what you call bike envy.

My resting cycling face.
Setting up.
All charged up and ready to roll.
Make that a double charge.
During the Carr Fire.
Crazed and ready to roll in the smoke.

Don't poke me....Don't poke me.  Oh god.

Power Women!

 Some of the races literally flipped out when they heard this was the last Airport Cirt of the season.    We had to call the white coats on this guy.  He just couldn't handle it.
 Franky moods are kind of like Legolas from Lord of the rings.   
On face for all moods.  
On no last photo.  
By no means did I post all of them.
"By no means" 

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