Sunday, November 24, 2019


 Here comes trouble.

OMG I left at 8:05 this morning, thinking I had to meet up with Jenni at 8:15 am a the meet up spot.   
The meet up time was at 8:45 am and take off time was 9:00 am.  So yeah D'OH!  
So here I am thinking I miss the ride by being late.  
So LSD Riders are starting to assemble and they rode the same route we did.  So I'm like I can jump on with them and catch Jenni.   Well that was my plan until I saw Toby.   Then I realized that I was super early.  Whoops.  So we waited for Jenni.
 Toby's second ride with us.  This kid rocks the miles.

Friendly and always begging for food. Stop by and say hi. He love a good scratch under the chin.
 He stared at us the whole time begging.


Toby and I climbed down a insane steep path to look around at the park. 

 This was back were Dino Mite was.  I was looking at the water trough and found a tiny cemetery. 
 WOW!  Three cemetery stones.
Sarah Jane
Died Sept 29, 1874

Make me wonder if there is more that have been destroyed over time.
 Another one.

This was really super hard to get down. 

Jennies like NOPE.  Not going down there.  LOL
 LOL  Love these, Toby's great.   I ask him to pose and he went stiff. 
 Then I ask him if he saw any boats.  

 Some of the murals in Chico.

After the ride Jenni took me to Brave for a belated Birthday.  It was yummy.  Thank you.
 Had to stop by and pet George.  

 On my way home ran into David Klein.   He hosts the LSD rides every Sunday. 

 Ok now for the weird part.  What's up with the 3's and 13's. 
31 max speed.
13 average.
and my odometer.

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