Wednesday, September 25, 2019


September 24th. 

So I took the 23rd off as a break day and I thought that would be good enough.  WRONG!  It's been a long time sense I have felt this sore and achy.  It's the 25th and I feel like a rubber band that been stretched out way too far.

I did a ride with hubby and did two laps up Chico Canyon rd and my hubby dropped not once but twice.  The smile on his face said everything.    I said are you savoring the moment.  He said.  Yes!   

He's been practicing doing sprint up hill. 
Hubby was laughing so hard at my disappointment of being dropped by him twice.   LOL

My Thighs were beyond sore, they hurt, the whole ride hurt.

Letting hubby have his moment. 

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