Friday, September 20, 2019


Great day to be on a bike.    The group just did a small ride today.

A good group showed up. 
Off we go.

Acorns!   And the trees are super loaded.  It's amazing how many types there are just on this one road. 

After coffee, I kept on going.  25 miles isn't far enough for me.  So instead I got to 43 miles on the first half of my ride.
Second mini helping.
What! no clouds. Awe.  
A little gopher snake playing dead.   As I road up he was moving.  And he just froze and turned over like hey I'm dead.   But he was playing dead in the wrong area, so I moved to a safer area.  Could you imagine if humans did that when we got scared.  During a stressful business meeting and you just can't take it any more you flop over and just lay still with your tongue hang out.
"What's wrong with Ed"? 
"He couldn't handle it, too much pressure so he's playing dead and waiting for the meeting to be over."

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