Thursday, September 26, 2019


Well what should I do on my break day?   Take Conner out for a Adventure ride.  :D     This kids a serious trooper he did 7.29 miles.  And he was so tired at the end.
We had a little hick up where he scrapped his leg really bad and we had to walk a little ways.  But other wise his was Amazing.

Off we go.  Had to pick up bananas and trail mix at Winco.   

He was so happy getting to Caper Acres that he did a victory dance.
 On the way to Caper Acres a really nice local cop stopped by and gave Conner a sticker.   When the cop asked Conner what he wanted to be Conner respond a Pizza maker that is a Cop.   LOL   Hey that would be the best job ever fighting crime and making pizza. He's be a very popular cop.   LOL

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