Monday, September 30, 2019


Well no ride today.  Got the flat fixed, but the bearings need to be replaced.  So I have to wait.  If I'm lucky it will be done tomarrow, if not it might take up to a week for them to order it.

So 717.8 miles for September that all.   I was hoping for a little more, but oh well.

I'm at 4,978.05 miles for the year. 
Ahhh so close to getting to 5,000.00 miles. Only 21.95 miles. LOL

Last year at the time I was at 6,220.9 miles, so I'm chasing my self and have 1,242.85 miles to catch up.

18,165.75 miles sense April 2 2016.  

And 1,834.25 miles left to get to 20,000 miles.
My goal is to get to 20,000 by the end of this year. 

Is someone giving me the secret bike bat signal?  Look below my chin on the ground.  My bike way off to the right of this shot.   I think for a split second the chain ring made the bike bat signal with the bright light from the other side.  I took several shots and this is the only one that has it.  And it's not my bike, my bike is at the wrong angle to produce this on the ground at this angle.   What ever happened I caught it on camera.  Cool.
It's Magical.  :D 

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