Monday, September 9, 2019


Roth is just my nick name for  Bernard Roth Syndrome.
Well dang a de dang dang dang.   It's been exactly 1 year and 6 month of have absolutely no pain from my Bernard Roth Syndrome.   I was having pain this morning and just assumed it was from all my hill climbing.    In the very beginning before I was diagnosed, I mistaken the burning pain for my thigh being antsy and wanting to ride.  Nope!   This evening I was like wait a minute, why isn't my other leg not as sore and achy, then I was like upper left hand thigh.........shit.  And characteristically it's also very sensitive to touch, in the burnee achy area.   And at least it's not in full burn mode, I always joke I can roast hot dogs on my leg.   Right now it's smoldering.     I hoping this is just a one time flare up.  Then I can look back and say another years gone by.  

Hmm I wonder if the fact that it's getting cooler?    The last time it flared up was September.  9/1/2018 was the last time it flared up.  That was a year ago, and the last time before that was another 6 months.   So I can't wait for it to go away.

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