Saturday, September 28, 2019


Today turned out to be a great day. 
But I missed hubby, he was with me then got a flat tire.  :(    Darn.  So he turned back.

     I found a this yesterday.  Well I love it so much I did this with it.

 Nothing like grinding Trumps face into the ground.  I'm just so tired of him.
Well he did last very long about 0.16 miles and he was done.  Best 0.16 miles ever. 

Well about 20 miles into my ride I found a pair of sunglasses the one's I'm wearing above.   No there not real Parada's, but who cares.   I'm not a brand queen.  If it fits I wear it.  I'm sort of like a cat.     Beside when you break your $9 pair of Sunglasses you don't make the lemon face and start crying, because you now have to go out and buy another pair of $295.00.     

The clouds were beautiful today.
It was just a tad windy. LOL   No it was really windy, no problem.  I even thought it might start raining. But it didn't 

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