Wednesday, September 25, 2019

34.34 MILES WOW & OW! OW! ~~~~~ UHGGGHHH!

 Today was pain day.  This is me after getting back from the WOW group ride.  And OMG I feel like death warm over with a side of bacon.  I'm not a happy camper!   And it didn't not help that for a couple of days we had cool weather and today was like 102.  I've ridden in hot weather, but the going from one extreme to another is kind of rough and it was windy.   And my legs are still revolting.   So I'm taking a full two days off to give my body a full break.    I'm so use to taking a little time off and jumping back into the routine that this is weird.  I have not felt this sore and drained and sore in quite a while.  Jenni Sundays right was seriously a maniac ride.   
 Here we go to Keefer road.

Here we to to the narrows go past Nicolog rd.  HUH!!!???  Here we go to the narrows.  WHAT!  

No I didn't not make it all the way to the narrows.
Me and my bad ass Moxy & Grit Jersey made it only a miles passed Nicologe.   (Shaking my head) . 
My speed when like this 6 mph...... 5 mph.......4mph ......3....2....1   KABOOM!  I was so exhausted.  Riding back was really hard.  

It was so hot that most of the group just went home, we all kind of got a little too hot. 
I turned into a coffee Zombie and  Elizabeth joined me for coffee.   We both sat down inside underneath the air conditioning trying to cool down like two ice cube loving lizards.

Check please! 

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