Tuesday, September 24, 2019


 I ride this bike path almost everyday and every single time I do, one thought enters my mind.  Houses lot's of house that will be build here.    It will happen, it's just a matter of time.   I wish it would not.  What I would like to see is that the area on both sides all the way to the foot hills are protected.  That is my wish.    The beauty that is part of the Harrison Memorial Bike path is one of a kind and it's the gate way to Paradise, new location of the Honey Run Cover brigde building sight.

I have made a habit of taking photos, lot's of photo's to remember the beauty.   If the right hands get greased, well see new houseing, or new mall?    I do not know the story about the property on either side.   But what I have notice that toward Humboldt Rd, that is activity, a fence was put up and there is small amounts of activity time to time.

The bike path is protected.  But I do not know if the surrounding area is.

Well this is just a idea.    


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