Monday, June 10, 2019


First of all I need to clarify something about my sprinting post.  When doing group rides I sprint to group rides.  When riding with hubby I do not and if I have a easy day I do not.   So no I do not sprint out the door every time.

Got up early today then got a text that I didn't have to work today.  Hmmm?  Bike ride.   Sore bike ride.  We must have been really hammered by the wind yesterday.  So just I just did a easy ride today and enjoyed the flowers.

 Here it is a Black Holly Hock.  The reason I could find it is because it just bloomed today.   So beautiful.  But last year it was so tall this one is so short.
 Looking in side with the pollen.
 Stages of a cone flower bloom.
1st stage.


This is the end result. 
This one is not my photo.


This is where the WOW group is going.  Wednesday WOW Ride on the American River Trail starting from Discovery Park in Sacramento and riding to Folsom and back.  Wednesday, June 12th, 10:00 a.m. Rollout from Discovery Park in Sacramento.  About 40 miles RT. Social ride with lots of stops and goofing around.  Late lunch/dinner in Sacramento Old Town at the Rio Grill on the River.

I can't wait.   :D  

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