Sunday, June 16, 2019

50.27 MILES & PLUMS.

 Hot ride today.  But I kept hydrated and stayed in the shade mostly.   Wanted to get a longer ride in today and 50's about right.

Well guy rolls his window down next to me and says WOW your going 21 mph.  I smirk and I broke a new record for doing a sprint up hill.  Just a little hill, but I did 25 mph up that hill.   And guess what I never seen some one roll there window up so fast in my life, he did not want to look at me.  I was right beside him, because he still had to go over the speed bump.   LMAO!       
 Just a shopping cart stuck in the bridge. 
 Beautiful long beans on a tree that bloom orchid looking flowers.

 Plums  Sweet Plums nom nom nom, yes I help my self.   Sweet on the inside tart on the out side.  Natures Sweet Tart. 
 I finally was able to pick on of these off with out it disintegrating in my fingers.   That was a catapillers home through the rain and thunderstorms.   So tough, yet so fragile.  Amazing.
 And here is were the butterfly escaped it's winter home.  Just that little hole. 
 Decided to show some leg, cycling leg that is.

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