Thursday, June 6, 2019


This might not be everyone cup of tea, or you might not like it because it's not in a Cycling magazine.  This is just my method.

What do I mean by short?  1 mile short or two if your intrepid.

1.Sprint right off the bat.  I don't and never have warmed up before I take off for a ride.

2.  This is for no matter how far you go. Ride normally, then sprint and rest then sprint hard.
On my Wild flower ride I sprinted several times one in the middle then one toward the end when I was about at 92 miles I sprinted.  So rest sprint, rest sprint.  And when I mean sprint I mean out of breath panting hard.  Rest until your heart rate is down.

3.  Let say your top speed is 25 miles per hour you maintain it for 1 minute, you drop to 23, don't stop, you drop to 21 keep going, you drop to 18 push push push.  Just because you miles drops don't let that deter you from giving up. Push push push.

4.  Now if you want more pain.  Sprint up hill fast and as hard and far a you can go, repeat for maximum suffering.   

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