Thursday, June 27, 2019


 Oh boy those two days were something, but luckily there was not a third day.   Here is what I figured it was the medication that triggered the blah headache and dizziness feeling.   I was worried I would have to go back to the Dr.  So I'm fine now.

But I have a confession, I told my self I was going to take it easy today.  Um that didn't happen at the end of the ride. LOL
I started out doing 12 miles with hubby slow and easy, I very cautious.    After the 12 miles I was feeling fine, so hubby when home and I kept riding.  And well I kind of went coo coo.
I did hill repeats 3 laps on one section and 9 times around Dog Lane Dr.

I was feeling spring loaded from not doing any riding.

Headed out with hubby in the lead.
This is what you get for picking plumb in the park.   They were so sweet and yummy. 
Dog Leg Rd with a cat.  LOL

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