Sunday, October 15, 2017

12.1 Miles 10/15/2017

So yeah went out again for a little ride.   Was joining my hubby for a short afternoon ride and right out the door I realized his back tire was bent.  :(   Awwwww so he had to head home, he was ok with me going on.   So by my self I did the park loop with my flashy blinkee light I got from Betsy. ;)  
I do believe that is the latest I been out on a bike ride.  The park is really still and quiet and 1 mile was every still, not a ripple on the water, very quiet.    So yeah I rode 43.2 + 12.1 = 56.4 miles total.  
When I got home chef  hubby made spaghetti, yummy.     So no riding tomorrow.  

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