Sunday, October 22, 2017


It's getting close to the time of season, were I go up and down on the ladder.  Even before I cycled I was secretly training for riding.  If you want to get stronger leg's, climb up and down a ladder for 5 to 6 hours at a time a day and sometimes even longer if I have more than one place to work.  One time I painted for 9 hour and the longest was 11 hours.   So that's one hell of a work out.  And mind you I did that when I was 325 pounds.  I might have been (FAT), well what funny is considering I lost all that weight I'm still considered fat.  I found out I have a mesomorphic body type.  Yes I  like looking into things. 
From Google:   Mesomorphs could be thought of as the “genetically gifted”. They are characterized by an athletic, strong, compact and naturally lean body. They have excellent posture. Often, their shoulders are wider than their hips and women tend to have an hourglass figure.  

Well back to the window painting.  I'm excited to be back into $$$$, but at the same time this is really going to mess with my riding?  Maybe, I really don't know.  I guess I just have to play it by ear and see what happens.  From November to December it can get really wild with window.  So for me just more training. LOL 

I was 325 pound and for 1 hour of climbing a ladder I burned 637 calories.  WOW I did not know this.    So dang for a 6 hour job I burned a whopping 3,822 calories.  

Ahhh but check this out since I'm 245 pounds I'll only lose 3,144 calories. But still.  

for someone who was 325 pound I could really move around.   

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