Monday, October 30, 2017

2hours & 35 minutes in the GYM.

I have been working out at the gym and it seems that I'm not wearing my self out.  And in order to make progress one need to wear them self out.   So instead of doing three reps of every thing I did four reps.  And instead of staying for two hour I added another half hour.  Included in the 2hr and 35 min was the racquetball.  And I feel fine, no aches, nothing.    

So yeah I was sitting on one of these a leg press and I was thinking to my self how far can I press, before I was keeping it safe. And I still did it 10 times each time I moved it up.  So I did 100lbs x 10ok... how about 200lbs... still ok...250lb...still good.   Apparently 270 is my max limit.   Now check this out I weigh 245 and my hubby weights 257.  So logically I could leg press my hubby.  LOL  I really don't think he would like that.  

In good new I did miss the last Sundays North Rim Crush Ride, but there is another one coming up so yay!  :)  

All this working out is really paying off, a couple week ago my back did hurt from a ride a bit, but it went away much quicker than it did before.   The weirdest thing so far is I can feel my ribs for the first time.  I'm like WTF are those, holy shit it's my ribs.  I lost touch with then for almost forever.   

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