Wednesday, October 11, 2017


 Well this was not a long ride, but it was a up hill ride.  On the first climb to the top I was going along and just as I put it in a lower gear I heard a rubber scrapping sound on my back tire, then I heard a rider go down.  That was really freaky. At first I thought something was wrong with my bike.   The other riders assured me it was not my fault, because he was a experienced rider and should have been paying attention.  During the ride we had another lady fall. :(   I didn't see it happen and I hope she was ok.  

So basically we went in circles two times climbing in different gears.  The first two time spinning, the second a bit harder with standing every 10 peddles, easier said than done.

Note to self this hill is really close to where I live, so I'm probably go back and practice there. 

After we complete our climbing, we all headed home and I rode home with Betsy.
Along El Monte Ave and I let loose and did 26.2 miles an hour.  That is one of the area I practice my sprints.  


Not going down hill.
890 calories.

Tomorrow getting ready for spinning class.  I'm going to be adding that to my mileage, because it's still riding.  

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