Friday, October 27, 2017


So far from May 2, 2016 to Now I have road a grand total of 5,426.38 miles.  

I have put 3,997.05 of those miles on my Airen 1 Diamond Back.

From May 2, 2016 to May 2017 (One year) I have cycled 3,096.78 miles.  With each ride from June to know I have been subtracting day by day off this number.    As of now I have 767.18 miles left.  What took me a year had now taking me 6 months if I'm steady, if I'm not 7 months.   But either way I'm super happy.  

So much for taking it easy because with tomorrows ride which is 28 and the next ride that is 50ish, I'll have road over 500 miles for October.  

I total had a brain fat.  I had a flat today on the front tire.  So much easier to change.  I got help from a guy name Steve who changed faster than I could blink.   I felt like a idiot, I was given a small pump, reach around to grab it and it must have slip out at home, sure enough right by the door.  So I got my tired pumped up with nitrogen. The tire was super cold.   I've got some debts to pay off.   

A Halloween ride is coming up and I got a simple and easy costume planned out.   No I'm not going to tell you.   You have to wait.  But I can give you a hint.  FOIL. 

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