Thursday, October 12, 2017


 I not going to deny I look frazzled and the class has not even started.  I had no idea what to expect.  A few of the other people came in and started spinning for warm up.  I got on a bike and did not know how it worked and it was turn up high, so I felt like I was peddling thought mud.  I was looking over at the other people like WTF!    Until someone said turn that red knob... AH!.  After some adjusting and being moved around three times on a bike, by David Klein I adjusted the bike and got on and the next thing I'm watching Lance Armstrong with a group of riders on the Tour De France. 
This was a kick ass class.    I didn't really understand the counting and I had a really hard time standing on bike while peddling.  So instead of standing I turn up the knob to a harder level, then turned it back down when we were seated and so on.    Hey and guess what I have mastered riding with no hands.  LOL      And Yes I did get my ass kick! My leg's were on fire after the ride.  

During the ride I would be on a hard gear and I would turn the knob to a easier gear and for some reason it would get harder, I would be slogging really slow. What?  So I would have to turn it a lot to get it to spin easier. And the other thing was kept turning it to a harder gear when I wanted a easier gear.  Oh the joy of you hand deciding to over ride your brain.

Oh did I mention my rear was on fire. The seat were so uncomfortable, after a 1/2 hour, my poor butt  :(     After 1 hour, it was all I could take.
 I was so  tired after this I when home and became a lays potato chip on the couch.  Between the racket ball, and core exercises I'm feeling it.   My thighs feel huge...enormous.. gigantic and sore.     

Another thing hmm  I'm on a bike for a hour, but I have no idea how far I rode?   I don't know my cadence or how fast I was going.  So I really don't know. 

The contraption in this blog is the exercise doo hicky that I was talking about and really like.  And yes you can see the hand cuffs. I do not lie.
I'm doing 1 which is the lower back and 7 which is shoulder blades.  Both feel real good.

Other wise I'm still standing upright. I don't think I'm going to ride tomorrow, give my legs a rest.

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