Monday, March 19, 2018


 One window done 3 more to do.  Work is good and when you have a reputation of being good, it make you feel warm and fuzzy. 
Today was a work day, so no cycling. :(   And I'll be up very early to get another good start at painting, so if I'm lucky I'll get back before dark. Maybe.  
This is called Lake view sports bar and grill, located in Marysville and it right next to Ellis Lake.   Very beautiful, with lot's of ducks, coots and I even saw a Cormorant fly over, pretty cool.
Judging?   Yeah Judging.  Yesterday while volunteering for the Chico Stage race, my duty was to make sure people not involved in the race didn't park in the parking area and only let in the Hotel Diamonds gust and cyclist. 
Well I caught my self judging.  A beat up truck/camper trailer pulled up and the guy wanted to enter.  He looked scruffy.  He said he was a cyclist.  My eye brows raised, but I did let him in.    And sure enough I watch him get out dawn his cycling gear and get his roller out and warm up.
I try not to judge people, but it happens.  And I hear people say oh but I never judge people. (......) we all do it's part of being human.
Well crap no WOWing it with the girls and no Friday group ride.  I can hear John sighing in relief from here.  March has been a dud for ridding. 
I've only done 248 miles for March.  Well there is always APRIL.   I seem to leap frog.  Good month, bad month.  Oh well.   

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