Saturday, March 17, 2018

14.1 Miles,BAGGING & a Cat?

Two members of the volunteer group fixing some signs while the group I was in was bagging meters.  

Well holy crap I ended up waiting at the wrong area like a dolt.   The meeting area was at Woodstocks again.  I was late but I made it.  
Bagging was pretty easy, I just hope they don't get pulled off.  
Evenbody down town was so GREEN! on Saint Patrick Day.   Lot's of people!   As I was tying the bags on I had to walk by a line of people waiting to get into a bar.  One guy gave me a high five, so I played a long and the next thing you know he grabs my hand and plant a kiss on the back of it.    Whoa!    Was not expecting that.   At least he let go.

Only did 14.1 miles today.   The weather was perfect.   Hubby joined me for the whole ride this time.   

Well it looks like I'll be doing more volunteering tomorrow to I'm going to volunteer and see what happens.  I was told they need more people so why not.

  Do you see the cat?  Look for the cat before scrolling further down.   ;)
 Now take a closer look at the cat.  It's a stumped cat.  It fooled me, until I zoomed in. 

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