Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Here I am waiting for the WOW group for the Pie Ride and it got canceled.  I'm kind of sad and at the same time kind of relieved.  I had some really bad sleep last night with Roth, he kept me up.  (my leg).  When I realized no one was showing up I headed home and crashed and slept.  Yeah 50 miles on no sleep would have sucked.  
I also was not feeling very good, but still managed to do 32.7 miles.  I took is easy and slow and took lot's of pictures along the way.  And I miss the rain.  LOL  I road home got under the porch and here it comes. 
Overcast, but not that cold.

My trusty bike.

This is after I woke back up. Headed out and wow look how full the steam is. 

Hidden Ducks

 Take a gander now.  Blue sky, it was so beautiful, we could have done the Pie Ride.  Wahhhhhh!   
 Enjoying my blurry pictures of tree pollen.  
I took a lichen to him after he at the moss.

One of the many wood peckers that land around me as I take a break sometimes.  This guy can't make up his mind which way he want to look.

He ask me if I had any coffee. I said no.

Storm clouds peeking over.

This is not edible. But beautiful.

Uh oh.  
There is something special about watching the sun go across the sky and the weather change drastically as you ride under it.

Oh.  Taking all these pictures and this guy was looking at me. 

Uh oh x 5

Beautiful leaves. I have no idea what these are. 

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