Wednesday, March 28, 2018

34.7 Miles & SUN DOGS

 Great day for a ride today.   The pull I did yesterday is barely there.  I didn't do any hard climbing though.    I decided to ride down a bike path I had never been on.  And I'm so glad I did.  It was kind of bumpy, but well worth it.    My gosh there was so many cyclist and mountain bikers out in droves and not to mention runners.  I didn't feel alone.   During the beginning of the month and middle I would see riders far and few in between.   It was a awesome day today.

And guess what I could not install my speedometer just yet.  I forgot my wire cutters were in the car.  Ahhhhggggg!  I was going to use a knife, but held off, cutting into my bike is not what I want to do. 

Hey I made it to 317.8 miles.   Amazing for this month.  lol

 This is now by far my favorite spot.  It totally reminds me of being in the woods.  Even thought it's not the woods.  It's as close as I am going to get.

 Wild Babies Breath.  Squeeeeeee
 Uhhhhh no squee here. :(    Poison Oak.
Leave of three let them be.  
Did you know that there is a soap plant that grow right next to poison oak.   It's a pain the arse to find, but if you pull it up by the root and smear it on the spot you got your self, it neutralizes the poison oak.    
 Fern I love fern.
 Uh oh I remember this place.   The dreaded Golf course. 
Chris and I road our bike (on the road) to the restaurant because it said in big bold letters public welcomed, we wanted to look at the menu.   Again we were on the road and not riding in the golf course.
A guy comes out of the building with the expression of doom on his face, this was not a happy guy.  We didn't know what his problem was, but before I could get a word in edge wise about were the restaurant doors were, this guy literally chased us off the premises, I am not joking or making this up.  He basically told us to fuck off and get off his property.  WOW!        
                     This guy was out for blood.  And all we wanted to do was look at the menu.    So what do you do when your treated like crap, we ended up going to 5th Street Steak House.  And have been going there ever sense.   We ask to see there menu, they let us look and that's that. 
As I road across the bridge and was expecting the guy to show up again.  LOL

 Deer.  :)
 Lot's of runners, lot's and lot's of runners. 

There was this guy out side of his home playing with a blow gun.   The one were you use your breath to make a little needle projectile fly to it's target.    The natives who use them have more developed lungs for shooting them.  I wonder if this guy could even make it stick in the target, let alone it the target. 
 Going back around.

SUN DOG'S    Look smack dab in the middle there is one on top and one on the bottom.   I have never seance a double stacked sun dog.   Usually it's just one.  So this was pretty cool.      Sun dog's work like this.

 sun dog                     sun                      sun dog.

It means there is a lot of ice crystals in the air.  The sun's light is refracting through the ice crystals, so cool.  Do you see the observatory below.   Those are some big Dogs.  :)

                      Going home.   This is at the entrance of Chico canyon rd.

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