Friday, March 2, 2018

31 Miles

My speedometer took a licking during and it no longer ticking.  :(   I road with it in the rain a while back and it quickly dried out and was fine.   I also think the temperature fluctuation did it in to.  Because for a while there it was fricken cold.  And the fact I put new batteries in and nothing.  Crap.

Well I really lucked out today, my ride ended exactly at 4:00, I got into the house and about 5 minutes later it was coming down hard I would have got soaked really bad.   Other wise the ride was fine, it rained lightly in spots, and this time there was no hail.

64.6 miles down and  835.4 to go for this month.

So far I've have been riding non stop for seven days now.   Yeah I know really really epic.  

I wanted to join the Saturday Crush ride, but hubby put his foot down.  He said stick to the program of doing 32 miles a day.   He's right, so no Crush ride.   :(    Beside there is suppose to be thunderstorms tomorrow.    

So on I go.   

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